North Fork/South Fork: East End Art Now
By Alicia G. Longwell
Connie Fox first came to the East End at the invitation of Elaine de Kooning, whom she had met as a student at the University of New Mexico and gotten to know some years later when both were on the faculty at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh. Like de Kooning, Fox has never lost her grounding in figuration, and her abstractions, a vortex of painterly animation, contain poetic riffs anchored by literal allusions. With Three Hats and a Glove, the viewer is left to wonder whether the objects are symbols or signs- or whether, in the end, a hat is just a hat.
"North Fork/South Fork"
”East End Art Now”
Text by Alicia G. Longwell
The Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, New York, 2004